Blueberries & Strawberries
Over the past couple days, we planted our blueberry patch. It's modest — 17 young bushes, comprised of 12 varieties — but it should provide more than enough for us to eat once the berries burgeon.
A few days earlier, we finished planting and mulching our raised bed of strawberries. Things are looking juicy!
The raspberries and cranberries have yet to be planted, and the grafting of the fruit trees is still underway. Perhaps we were too ambitious in our plans this year. But how could we resist the sweet future foretold by such a busy spring?
Spring Is Arriving
In fits and starts, but it's definitely on the way in. Winter hasn't given up yet, but the writing is on the wall — or rather, on the branches and springing from the earth. All sorts of things are starting to grow.
Cherry Plum Blossom
Cherry Plum Blossoms
Skunk Cabbage Flower
Young Nettles
New Himalaya Blackberry Growth
Day Lilies & Mossy Rock